Welcome To Field Trip Friends!
Since 2007, over 5,000 O’ahu families have been educated through our experiential, thematic excursions! Join us, together with your child, to experience our beautiful island like you never knew! We’ll take you off the beaten path for unique educational adventures….together!
It’s time to get out of the house and into the sunshine for the 4 E’s…
Parents – we invite you and your little ones to come and have some fun with us! Explore Oahu, make memorable experiences and learn too! Check out our upcoming classes.

getting families outdoors!
The goal of the program is to get families outdoors, learning about our rich environment, including animals, the ocean & land, and the precious Hawaiian culture and history. Let’s get unplugged, get some exercise & sunshine, and be enriched by what nature has to offer. The more we learn about this special environment, the more we can appreciate and care for it.

try new things & visit new places!
Join Field Trip Friends as parents and children together experience unique outings to different places such as gardens, farms, taro patches, historical sites, cultural landmarks, private horse ranches, fish ponds, beaches, & parks. Teach your children to appreciate the wonders of nature and our beautiful surroundings & guide them in growing up with a sense of pride and ownership for our Aina (land).

learn about our island & culture!
Let’s feel the smooth moss on the rocks and the squishy stalk of a banana tree! Let’s learn what sand is made from, how Hawaiians built their own fishponds, & how an Ahupua’a can be self-sustaining. Let’s make & taste poi from the taro patch and drink noni that’s so good for us! Let’s ride horses, interact with dolphins, and watch a’ama crabs slide around! Let’s sing songs, explore, feed animals, pick vegetables, ride boats, & have fun in nature.