Field Trip Friends gives back!
Let’s teach our little ones, and remind ourselves, that there are less fortunate people who could use our help.

As a mother two, I want to teach my children to help those less fortunate in our communities. We are so blessed with all that we have, I really want to give back to our Hawaii that gives us so much! However, I find it challenging to find ways of helping while bringing my children along. I can’t serve food while my preschooler is running around, paint over graffiti right by the road, or pull invasive limu from the coral while my infant sits on the beach!? I’m sure there are other mothers out there experiencing the same types of volunteer frustrations.
As a result, I’ve come up with a “program within a program”. As a Field Trip Friends member, you will have the option each session to participate in a philanthropy project. Participation is completely optional, but serves as an easy way to help those less fortunate in our communities. We will then take an “unofficial field trip” at the end of the session. For example, our canned food drive during the Spring Session will warrant a trip to the Hawaii Food Bank to donate what we’ve collected. If you can’t make it, that’s OK! You’ve got the joy in knowing that you donated, you’ve helped someone in need, contributed to bettering our communities, and perhaps taught your child about philanthropy.
Hawaii Food Bank
I just wanted to let you know about the Hawaii Foodbank’s website. It’s a great online resource about hunger-relief efforts in Hawaii. Visit Hawaii Foodbank today to learn more about this important issue